SysadminsLV.PKI.Cryptography Namespace

Contains extension classes for default .NET Framework System.Security.Cryptography namespace.


AlgorithmIdentifier Specifies an algorithm used to encrypt or sign data. This class includes the object identifier (OID) of the algorithm and any needed parameters for that algorithm.
AlgorithmIdentifierCollection Represents a collection of AlgorithmIdentifier objects.
AlgorithmOid Contains common cryptographic algorithm identifiers.
AsymmetricKeyPair Represents an abstract class for asymmetric key pairs. This class differs from AsymmetricAlgorithm by supporting PKCS#1/PKCS#8 formats and conversions.
CryptSigner Represents a cross-platform digital signature generator and validator.
CspProviderAlgorithmInfo The CspProviderAlgorithmInfo class represents an algorithm implemented by a cryptographic provider. Providers are separate modules that implement encryption, hashing, signing, and key exchange (archival) algorithms. Similar providers are grouped together in a type.
CspProviderAlgorithmInfoCollection Represents a collection of CspProviderAlgorithmInfo objects.
CspProviderInfo The CspProviderInfo class provides access to general information about a cryptographic provider.
CspProviderInfoCollection Represents a collection of CspProviderInfo objects.
DsaPrivateKey Represents a DSA private key structure.
DsaPublicKey Represents a DSA public key structure.
ECDsaPrivateKey Represents a ECDSA private key object.
ECDsaPublicKey Represents a ECDSA public key object.
Oid2 An extended class for Oid class. Extended class provides rich functionality by returning additional OID registration information and OID registration/unregistration capabilities.
OidCollectionExtensions Contains extension methods for OidCollection class.
OidExtensions Contains extension methods for Oid class.
PublicKeyExtensions Contains extension methods for PublicKey class.
RsaPrivateKey Represents an RSA private key object.
RsaPublicKey Represents a RSA public key structure.
SignedContentBlob This class represents an encoded content to be signed and a BLOB to hold the signature. The ToBeSignedData member is an encoded X.509 certificate, certificate revocation list (CRL), certificate trust list (CTL) or certificate request.
TspAuthenticodeRequest Represents Microsoft Authenticode Time-Stamp Request.
TspMessageImprint Represents a message to submit to Time-Stamp Authority (TSA).
TspRequest Provides an abstract class that represents a Time-Stamp Request object.
TspResponse Represents a RFC 3161 implementation of Time-Stamp Protocol response.
TspRfc3161Request Represents an RFC 3161 Time-Stamp Protocol request message.
TspStatusInfo Represents Time-Stamp Response status information.
X509PrivateKeyBuilder Represents a managed X.509 private key generator.


ICryptSigner Represents cryptographic message signing object contract.
IKeyStorageInfo Represents abstractions of asymmetric key pair container.


ContentBlobType Contains enumeration to identify data type in SignedContentBlob object.
CspAlgorithmOperationAlgorithmOperationsEnumeration type specifies the operations that an algorithm can perform.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

CspAlgorithmType The AlgorithmType enumeration type specifies the intended purpose of a cryptographic algorithm supported by a cryptographic provider.
CspProviderType specifies the type of cryptographic provider. Providers implement cryptographic standards and algorithms in software and hardware.
EnrollmentClientIdType Defines the enumeration of certificate request originator.
KeyPkcsFormat Specifies the possible asymmetric key material export format.
NonceStatus Contains values that represent nonce status. Nonce is often used in Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP), Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).
TspFailureStatus Contains extended error information about Time-Stamp Request failure.
TspResponseStatus Represents possible values that identify the status of Time-Stamp request on Time-Stamp Authority (TSA)
TspValidationErrorStatus Represents a combination of possible Time-Stamp Response validation failures.