SysadminsLV.PKI.OcspClient Namespace

Contains classes and enumerations that represent OCSP Client tool.


CertID The class represents an object to identify the certificate to include in OCSP Request. Also this object is returned by the OCSP Responder.
OCSPRequest Represents an OCSP Request object. This object is used to create and submit a request to an OCSP Responder.
OCSPResponse Represents an OCSP response received from OCSP responder against previously submitted OCSP Request.
OCSPSingleRequest This class represents a single OCSP request entry which include information about the certificate to verify and optional extensions.
OCSPSingleRequestCollection Represents a collection of OCSPSingleRequest objects.
OCSPSingleResponse Represents OCSP single response that contains revocation status about particular certificate. Certificate ID is stored in CertID property.
OCSPSingleResponseCollection Represents a collection of OCSPSingleResponse objects.


CertificateStatus Defines the status of a certificate requested in the OCSP Request. The status is defined in RFC2560.
OCSPResponseComplianceError Contains OCSP response compliance warning and error statuses.
OCSPResponseStatus Contains possible OCSP response statuses.
OCSPResponseType Contains possible OCSP response types. Currently only id_pkix_ocsp_basic type is supported.