ExtensionListOfflineExtensionList Property

Gets extension collection in the offline request that are processed by the CA during certificate issuance. 'Offline' requests are requests where subject information is used by the CA to construct issued certificate. If the certificate template is configured to build subject based on information retrieved from Active Directory, all extensions in the request that are listed in the property are silently igmored. If the incoming request contains an extension that is listed in this property and certificate template is configured to build subject information from incoming request, they are added to issued certificate. If extension information in the request conflicts with CA settings (policy module or template settings), request extension information is silently ignored.


Namespace: PKI.CertificateServices.PolicyModule
Assembly: SysadminsLV.PKI.Win (in SysadminsLV.PKI.Win.dll) Version: (
public Oid[] OfflineExtensionList { get; }

Property Value



For Standalone CA all incoming requests are treated as 'offline'

See Also