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CertTemplateSecurityDescriptorAccessRuleFactory Method

Initializes a new instance of the CertTemplateAccessRule class that represents a new access control rule for the specified user, with the specified access rights, access control, and flags.

Namespace:  SysadminsLV.PKI.Security.AccessControl
Assembly:  SysadminsLV.PKI (in SysadminsLV.PKI.dll) Version: (
public override AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(
	IdentityReference identityReference,
	int accessMask,
	bool isInherited,
	InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags,
	PropagationFlags propagationFlags,
	AccessControlType type


Type: System.Security.PrincipalIdentityReference
An IdentityReference object that represents a user account.
Type: SystemInt32
An integer that specifies an access type.
Type: SystemBoolean
True if the access rule is inherited; otherwise, False. This parameter is not used and is always set to False.
Type: System.Security.AccessControlInheritanceFlags
One of the InheritanceFlags values that specifies how to propagate access masks to child objects. This parameter is not used and is always set to None.
Type: System.Security.AccessControlPropagationFlags
One of the PropagationFlags values that specifies how to propagate Access Control Entries (ACEs) to child objects. This parameter is not used and is always set to None.
Type: System.Security.AccessControlAccessControlType
One of the AccessControlType values that specifies whether access is allowed or denied.

Return Value

Type: AccessRule
A new CertTemplateAccessRule object that represents a new access control rule for the specified user, with the specified access rights, access control, and flags.
See Also