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Blog April 28, 2022 PKI

Authority Magazine: 5 Things That Every Business Leader Should Do To Shield Themselves From Cyberattacks

by Mark B Cooper

If you’re worried about potential cyberattacks on your organization (unfortunately, who isn’t?), you should definitely read this Q&A article published in Authority Magazine that highlights a great interview with Mark B. Cooper. It’s a must-read article that provides some very helpful info.

During his interview, Mark outlines the top 5 things that every business leader should do to shield themselves from a cyberattack. He also talks about how he started PKI Solutions Inc. and the intense customer needs that prompted him to lead PKI Solutions to develop PKI Spotlight, the industry’s first and only solution that provides real-time monitoring and alerting of the availability, configuration, and security of all of organizations’ PKI environments – all consolidated into one easy-to-use dashboard.

You can read the full article here.

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Mark B Cooper

President & Founder at PKI Solutions, Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Certified Master.

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