New Online PKI Training Courses Are a Deep Dive into Public Key Infrastructure: Critical for IT Security, IoT, 5G, and SHAKEN/STIR
Why Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)? A PKI is the core of IT for enterprises, supporting network authentication, data encryption, code signing and secure email. In addition, in the next two years, 42 percent of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as temperature sensors, televisions, and smart vehicles will rely primarily on digital certificates for identification and authentication for security, according to the 2018 Global PKI Trends Study. If that’s not reason enough to learn how to correctly implement a PKI, the forthcoming 5G applications will rely on PKI. Furthermore, PKI is the backbone of the SHAKEN/STIR technology standard that will help prevent robocalls and spoofed calls.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is behind an authentication initiative called SHAKEN/STIR, with the goal to “help strengthen call-blocking services and unmask spoofed calls.” The telecommunications industry’s most recent response has been to develop a new technology standard called SHAKEN (Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) and STIR (Secure Telephony Identity Revisited). SHAKEN/STIR uses digital certificates, based on common public key cryptography techniques, to ensure the calling number of a telephone call is secure. The way it works is each telephone service provider obtains its digital certificate from a certificate authority who is trusted by other telephone service providers. The certificate technology enables the called party to verify that the calling number is accurate and has not been spoofed.
As a way to open up its technical security training course to more students, PKI Solutions is now offering its in-demand Microsoft PKI In-Depth course online. Students can now take the PKI course whenever they want, in a self-paced environment, to ensure their PKI skills are at the level necessary to successfully design, implement, and manage highly-secure PKIs.
The course is a deep dive into PKI and Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS). Students will learn how to install ADCS; why certification authority keys are critical to recovering a CA; how to deploy a 2-tier PKI; how to validate and revoke certificates, and more. The course will focus on building knowledge and skills, with a strong emphasis on security, best practices, and hands-on skills labs. The online courses will cover all of the same topics and lessons as our highly popular, in-person courses that we have provided for many years, including more than 20 hours of content and labs. The courses will feature video, audio, and slide-based content. Students will receive access to download the student materials, lab manuals, hands-on skills labs, and supporting materials.
Register at PKI Self-Paced Training | PKI Solutions. The cost for the online course is $5,000, but PKI Solutions is offering an introductory rate of $4,250. Corporate training pricing is also available, with subscription-based options and bulk discounts for multiple students.
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Mark B Cooper
President & Founder at PKI Solutions, Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Certified Master.
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